Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cellular Silence Day_ Why?

Dear Friends

I wish to share with you a letter I wrote to my fraternity of film-makers.

Thank you for lending your voice in support.

As part of the middle class we've been incessantly buffeted and bullied by the political and corporate class of the country. They treat us like cattle to be milked off votes fed on a constant supply of consumerism, confident that they will dull our minds into apathy and indifference while they arrogantly pursue their machinations.

It is high time we showed our strength on the floor of the country by giving ourselves a much needed vote of confidence, proving that we can be a majority to be reckoned with.

In striving for that majority we shall adopt strategies that are non-violent in word and deed; engage in dialogue and relentlessly pursue the path of conflict resolution. What we need to do in times of moral poverty is engage the conscience of fellow citizens no matter how impossible it seems at present.

We might not wish to engage in active politics for a myriad reasons but we can easily restore a citizens' democracy to ourselves built on ethics and compassion. This we can do with a 'zero tolerance' for corruption beginning within the four walls of our home, zero tolerance for tainted officials and peoples' representatives; respect for the rule of law; respect for rules of the road; ethical investments only in companies that have best practices in fair trade and social responsibility.

We show our 'zero tolerance' through sustained campaigns like Cellular Silence, gaining in numbers as we go along,

I have remained quiet for way too long and I want to find my voice. Most importantly ,I refuse to "say die" without trying.

So, let's wake up India and be the change we wish to see in the world

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