Wednesday, March 25, 2009

C+ive"s Neighbourhood Shuttle Service For India

C+ive & Reva Electric Car Co. have initiated discussions with the Govt. of Karnataka and transport agencies like BMTC etc. to shortly introduce the following services in the city of Bangalore.

The same services will be initiated in other metros of the country if the state governments and their transport agencies are amenable to the concept.

The objective of this joint initiative is to REDUCE: :

  • Traffic congestion on city roads by providing citizens easy and rapid access to public transport
  • National fuel consumption
  • Atmospheric pollution and significantly improve urban air quality in metros
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Two-stroke auto rickshaws -Auto rickshaw drivers will transferred to shuttle services; vehicles will be reduced and re-cycled)

Golf Cart type buggies (solar/ electric charging hybrids) of capacity 4-12 seats will run in each municipal ward as:

  • Feeder Service to BMTC bus stops
  • School and Office drops and pick-up service within a ward
  • Senior citizens/ housewives service during off-peak hours


C+ive will arrange for REVA cars to be stationed 24x7 within apartment complexes. Commencing with Bangalore, this service will be made available to all apartment complexes, gated communities and housing societies in the major cities of India.

The Revas' will be available for individual use on a per hour/per km basis for members of housing societies that register for this service.

If your housing society might be interested in inquiring about/registering for this service, please contact C+ive at

Together we can transform the micro-climate of our cities!

N.B. If there are suggestions, opinions, criticism etc., of the above proposals then please contact the undersigned.

C+ive looks forward to citizen support in spreading the word if you consider this a worthwhile initiative that deserves to be replicated across the country.


Ranjan Kamath

Monday, March 2, 2009

CONSUVISM_ Consumer Satyagraha With A Difference

We want change. Most Indians are concerned about social issues and want to help make the world a better place but with the daily challenges of eking a livelihood, making time for social activism is difficult, almost impossible.

Traditional methods of activism like the boycott are uninspiring, stale and ineffective at solving today’s problems - it is passé activism of the 20th century.

In the 21st century, CONSUVISM is a method of activism that:

* Leverages consumer power to effect ‘win-win’ change through ‘conscientious consumerism’
* Makes the most socially-responsible business practices the most profitable choices
* Rewards businesses committed to improving the world we live in; bringing the greatest good to the greatest number through eco-friendliness of product and/or business practice.
* Fosters competition between businesses to expedite change for the better in the world we live in. The friendliest product, the friendliest store is rewarded with the largest number of consumers.

CONSUVISM is a strategy patented by C+ive, responding to fellow Indians frustrated by the disruption to livelihood of traditional methods of activism like hartals, bandhs chakka jams and petitions to MP’s, letters to editors, and silly slogans falling on deaf ears.

In the first micro initiative, C+ive is facilitating the distribution of food preserves, pickles and chutneys produced by Women's India Trust, based in Mumbai.

Women’s India Trust since 1968 has endeavoured to provide training and employment opportunities to unskilled and underprivileged women, drawing them into mainstream economic activity. Most importantly, empowering them with knowledge, power, self-reliance and prosperity.

C+ive is pleased to announce a 'beta testing' of the CONSUVISM strategy at the micro-level, before it is scaled up to more ambitious levels of consumer activism in due course, with growing mass support.

Instead of distribution of WIT products through large established retail chains, C+ive is facilitating the creation of a network of senior citizens, widows and the underprivileged, to distribute WIT products in their neighbourhoods, communities etc. Through such sales, participants earn up to 15% of the M.R.P. on the sale of each food product.

As a further value addition, this network would also accept orders of gift hampers of WIT products for all occasions, providing them with an additional opportunity to earn through commission.

With many people from all walks of life being adversely affected by the recession which has depleted their life savings by up to to 75% of its value, it is expected that selling WIT products through such a grass root network would help the many in a small way. Moreover, the proceeds of such sale helps WIT in its endeavours of making women and children self-reliant.

C+ive seeks your support in creating such a proactive consumer network in Bangalore and making it mutually beneficial for all involved.

Thereafter, C+ive will facilitate the creation of similar networks in other states with the support of C+ive membership.

If C+ive receives citizen support for this first exercise in Consuvism, we shall thereafter 'scale up' our attentions to the marketing and distribution of organic food, eco-friendly and renewable energy products and services to the benefit of the urban consumer in terms or affordable prices and quality and ofcourse change to our urban enviroment!

C+ive wishes to create a confidence of volume in:

* the farmer to invest more agricultural land in organic farming over time to meet such demand.
* the manufacturers of renewable energy products
* entrepreneurs who wish to invest their talents and business expertise in eco-friendly services and products

For further inquiries about the C+ive_ Consuvism initiative please email: