Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mangalore_India's Nashville - A Non-Violent Plan Of Action

For an Inter-Jesuit schools essay competition way back in 1978, the topic was Martin Luther King's quote "The ultimate tragedy is not the brutality of the bad but the silence of the good". Every time India goes through a civic convulsion - major or minor- that quote returns to haunt me. Now, it does not stop haunting me!

A significant section of the great Indian middle class 'seems' to be apathetic and indifferent,cocooned in their glass houses of prosperity, remaining silent in frustration, unprepared for someone throwing the first stone.

Meanwhile, there is a simmering anger amongst the youth frustrated by the poverty of leadership and direction by the generation that ought to be showing them the way forward. They are angry, insecure and afraid - a lethal combination that requires to be harnessed and provided direction.

Mangalore has been the beacon of secularism for centuries. Communities have co-habited and co-existed with each other in mutual respect, doing business together, participating in each others' festivities till very recently, when communal rifts were engineered. The same elements have now upped the ante, engineering the segregation of cultures.

Mangalore is their laboratory where they are 'beta testing' their madness before proliferating their programme of cultural sanitization and segregation elsewhere the country.Soon, we shall all be required to prove our 'Indianness' by wearing saffron swastikas!

If we reduce our social action to exchanging email and Youtube clips about the Mangalore pub attacks, raving and ranting on social networking sites and doing precious little, then we shall become silent participants in a repeat of the occurrences in Germany in the 1930's. History ought to help us learn from the previous follies of mankind not allow them to be replicated in meticulous detail in the presence of our silence.

These extremist forces emulate the tried and tested structure of numerous organisations that have previously propounded change through violence. There is a political organisation well established within the mainstream providing sanction to sleeper cells ready to execute acts of violence.

If the situation goes out of control there is an immediate public statement of dis-association and denial. The modus operandi followed in Mangalore leaves the 'mother ship' without blemish but the illegitimate intimacy of these political bedfellows continues unabated under saffron sheets.

So, it seems rather pointless targetting the Shree Ram Sena and seeking its ban as that would proliferate two more Senas - as has happened ad infinitum. It is time to keep 'mother ship' in our cross hairs especially with elections around the next corner.

The institutionalised segregration of Black and White in the town of Nashville gave birth to the Civil RIghts Movement under the leadership of Martin Luther King. it began with a group of black students from Fisk University in Nashville peacefully defying segregation. They were introduced to and inspired by the non-violent strategies of our very own Mahatma Gandhi.

It is now time for the youth of India to defy the cultural segration imposed by a few on the many. Mangalore is India's Nashville and the time is ripe for a similar satyagraha.

The youth of Bangalore and elsewhere should join hands in solidarity with the youth of Mangalore in a show of solidarity at the earliest opportune date. The demands should include the trial and prosecution of Pramod Muthalik and his lumpen outside the state of Karnataka withn 30 days, owing to a lack of confidence in the government of Karnataka. Also required is an apology from the Chief Minister of Karnataka for not providing citizens the safety and security of state machinery.

If no action is taken within the stipulated time, then we step up civil action; set aside our political differences and rally behind independent candidates against the ruling party of the state and defeat them in the constituencies where we can manage to do so.

If Mangalore leads the way, Bangalore and Mumbai will follow.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you. If we, the people of India do not protest against the abuse inflicted by these self appointed moral police troups and groups now, then, when will we! To any sane and educated individual this looks like Talibanization of India!

It has come to a point when the fundamental rights of a citizen of this country and the constitution is being taken lightly by these groups, which are of course being harboured by the State Government in some way or the other.

It is a shame to see the CM of Karnataka turning a blind eye to all that has happened. And it is a shame, that we the peopel of this State have elected such an ineffective individual as our CM.

It is now time to rise, and raise our voices against this, and I applaud your initiative. Very few people can stand up and speak their mind out, which you've done time and again, and I think, it is people like you who can make a difference in this country.

Holler!!! said...

I recently watched the movie 'Gandhi'and have been thoroughly convinced that non - voilence is the ONLY way to win a battle. I appreciate the initiative that you have taken with regard to communal voilence. I support your cause and will also promote it for you within my capacity.

Anandita said...

Its quiet appalling to see that hooligans like Muthalik are being given such leverage in the State. So much so, that they are coming out in public and making their intentions quiet clear, yet the Govt refuses to do anything about it.

I support the Cellular Satyagraha and any petition which will see people like Muthalik and Raj Thackeray prosecuted.

I also have a group on Facebook known as Citizens For Solutions and Responsibilities. It is a small group of 235 members who are eager to be a part of the solutions, rather than just point finger. We havent gotten around to doing much yet, solely because we are unaware of just how we can help. If you do have anything that we can do for you, please let us know. I'm also positive that the group shall also support the Cellular Satyagraha, if only i can have a few more details.

Thanks and Regards,


Anonymous said...

Those who want people not to drink like me, beating only the girls is not at all a solution. Even murderers are handled by same sex officials. How can we call these goons 'Moral Police. There is nobody asking why only boys are to drink. If these lumpen elements have the votes, let them illegitimise drinking federally. Those who votes for this must accept that it will be burdensome on the system to let go the huge excise the govt levies on liquor. Meanwhile, the criminals like Muthalik must be booked under UAPA for supporting the criminals who indulge in terrorism. Mere lack of knowledge of the language Muthalik speaks has been sighted as excuse to set him free. Is this the preparation of India Post Bombay of 26/11?

Holler!!! said...

I am from Mangalore and i can certainly say that incidents of Moral Policing are not rare. There have been repeated cases of couples being threatened especially on the beaches in broad daylight. This i can safely say has been happening since the last few years, but never on this scale.

There is a clear motive behind this. In my opinion, Mr. Muthalik is trying to generate a vote bank for himself. Prior to this incident, 95% of us have not heard of him before. This issue has generated appreciation by a number of the lesser educated and traditional folks - both rural and urban. They neither go to pubs nor know what happens there. Muthalik is trying to target and bag these groups of people.

Over 50% of the crores of students passing out of 10th standard, do not continue their education. This group in specific gets most influenced by organisations like the Sri Ram Sena, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, MNS etc. If we really need to make a difference in society and win this battle against these groups, we need to connect with this lot of society.

Ideas and criticism is well appreciated to this train of thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Mangalore and i can say that - this place is not lawless bihar as portrayed by Times news network. they beamed the message non stop as breaking news every 30 seconds. worse still - the same video over a hundred times in 4-5 days - every half an hour.

thats worse than an overkill. Mangalore's reputation is in tatter. it was as if in Mangalore molestation was happening for 3-4 days continuously.

whats worse, every time there's some fringe group attacks, the media feeds these social trolls, who are cheap hooligans at worst. give them labels like indian talibans. see, now our reputation as a country is in tatters too. the west will think that we are one screwed up country not worth visiting.

there's an even worse oversimplification of problems by blaming bjp as being the mothership. rama sene has congress members as well as bjp members... (surprised aren't you, i bet, or you are in denial). that congress is holy and beyond any blemish is taken as a pre-requisite by you. what happened in maharastra is for everyone to see. congress dint bat an eyelid when raj thackery has been shouting against north indians from the rooftops. why ? because congress gains from a split shiv sena.

every time there's been a riot in the recent past times new network has gone hammer and tongs along with ndtv, another congress pimp - to flay mangalore administration, which of late has turned bjp. you conveniently ignore the fact that its the people who voted for bjp, more importantly, its the people who voted congress out! what hapened in ullal sometime back - the riots were triggered colely by the congress strongman there. that the entirecity was peaceful - but only sponsored goondas running the show was completely missed by the tv channels. ndtv who camped near circuit house went exclusively to minority affected families. I was witness to that first hand, people running to the ndtv - local journos - trying to impress that there's collateral damage on both sides were met with complete arrogance and utter disregard to facts and reality.

the need of the hour was to show bjp led places are bad for "secular"(sic) people. the word secular has been grossly distorted in india to one party's fiefdom.

in the process to malign bjp - they forgot that mangalore's reputation for being a free and fair place went for a toss. there's a strong undercurrent of anger from the silent masses whom you want to stoke and force them into action. you just might want to think otherwise. for, they are one pissed lot angry and coming to terms with the stupidity of sree rama sene, and worse the over reaction, political opportunism by every party, and utter disregard to the city and the people in general.

Holler!!! said...

Is Mangalore really a 'free and fair' place?
I am not sure what you are talking about, if a group of guys and girls can't drink/dance in a pub or walk in malls. I am not sure what you are talking about, if a girl is beaten up for wearing clothes that she feels comfortable in. Some of us are here by accident, but most of us are a result of 'Love'. Why cant we express this through flowers, cards, dinner or just a walk in the park? Why do we have to be threatened and beaten up?

THE ISSUE IS NOT ABOUT SUPPORTING ONE POLITICAL PARTY OR THE OTHER. The issue is about our fundamental rights. The issue is about leaders of certain groups,influencing it's members to threaten and vandalize - on any pretext that gets them votes. Come back to this page when Muthalik stands for elections

FYI - The reference was made to the groups involved in voilent acts. If you have other similar groups to add to the list, you are welcome.

Anonymous said...

@ Holler!!!

do YOU live in Mangalore ? Do you visit the pubs ? have you visited the pubs ?

I repeat... mangalore is pretty much a free and fair place, even to this day. after the much politicized and publicized event, there might be a downturn in the numbers at the pubs. but before that, i've visited a number of pubs, and it used to be rocking.

this whole issue was meant only to raise pramod muthaliks political fortunes.

i bet you havent been to mangalore, nor do you live around these places. you havent seen how the new year party here was. it was rocking. you have only seen some news channels and derive your conclusion - exactly what i have been pointing out at. the image of mangalore has totally been distorted by these asshats at the media, the opportunists at times news network. i hate them with vengeance for showing this place like its some taliban - when its not - and worse still - they have distorted the image of the city to the liking of the goons like pramod muthalik. who's to be blamed ? a media running riot or the rioters themselves for screwing up the cities' image ?

Holler!!! said...

Well... At least we both agree that this issue was created for personal political gain. My issue is that these 'political enthusiasts' are taking advantage of a vulnerable group of people. They create issue's about "morals" and "way's of life" that totally intrudes on the lives of regular forward thinking people.

About me, yes, I am Mangalorean. I was born here, studied here, partied here and have no clue why I even NEED to explain this to YOU. Nevertheless, since you mentioned, I was here for the New Year party at the Tile Factory. I am guessing that you are referring to the same party because that was the most happening one in Mangalore.

Your ONLY issue seems to be with the media exaggerating the incident. Talibanisation is a new word coined recently. It speaks of a few leaders, enforcing their ideals on others within their jurisdiction – with the use of FORCE. You are right. The media should not be using this word because the Taliban was in political control of Afghanistan. The group which has accepted responsibility for this incident in Mangalore is not even in power to enforce their ideals!!! This is worse than Talibanisation. We need to coin a whole new word for this kind of behaviour. But that’s going to make them feel more powerful – don’t you think?

Yeah Mangalore was improving, but by no means was it a forward place. It was always a little conservative and is expected of smaller towns. Mangalore still has a long way to go and such incidents are not helping it advance. If we need to create jobs and get more investment into this city, we need to be more forward and tolerant to change. Society is no longer what it used to be.

Are you 100% safe from Moral Policing? I am glad that the media exposed this moral policing. If you think that the incident was exaggerated by the media, put yourself in the shoes of the victims. Then answer the question.

Anonymous said...

@ holler, yeah, I agree with you that moral policing is idiocy, and that's the last thing that we need for a progressive society.

but, the ground reality is that congress, and its pimps - ndtv and times news network seem to want to take to its logical end - to meet its own political objectives. look at the force with which renuka, PC, sonia et al have vociferously gone behind this incident. the objective here is to raise political fortunes during a flagging economy, failing polciies, and inability to deal with the political fallout of the troubled economy in general.

mangalore has been conservative, yes! there is NO place in india that's 100% progressive. in fact, much of usa is conservative too - its progressive and liberal minded only in the west coast and pockets of east coast - the rest is covered with vast tracts of conservative regions.

mangalore ironically is not improving, like you say. in fact its been pushed into the hands of the conservative right wing groups, after years of corruption, and decades of inaction b the ruling congress. congress was in power for a good half a century, only recently did we have a bjp government in place, and along with them came these idiots like rama sene.

what i dont like in media exposing is - the part where media takes this as their de facto mission, like times new network did. the news channels never got to the crux of the matter - they chose random places of their liking to highlight "their side of the story" , and they have this facade of "fair reporting".

did you know that rama sene has bjp as well as congress supporters ? that, the youths were hired with as little as 500 bucks ? that the media reached the spot before the youth did ? that someone even yelled "action" at the incident ? that, the bouncers were locked before hand in a room ? that, the video was sold by local media for a princely sum in a free auction :P ? that the entire incident was rigged ?

and yet the media choses to highlight the incident as something that's been happening all along in mangalore!
that the

Anonymous said...

as regards being a forward and progressive city to attract investments... just forget about it. no city has been spared with such politically motivated and calculated acts - these are random acts , and it has NOT been happening regularly in mangalore. well, cities like delhi, bangalore, bombay have all faced some sort of idiotic political goondaism at some point of time. and yet, all those cities have attracted businesses.

business follows the money trail. politics follows the opportunistic trail - whatever point of time , anything that has "political capital" in it - it just works for them. there's no such thing as positive or negative feedback, they all need publicity and how they can make use of the same.

look at how congress has systematically subverted democracy by replacing the governors, president, cops, heck, even the election commissioners. we even have a remote controlled prime minister and had an entirely useless home minister who was chosen just to serve without any ambition.

we have a whole range of issues from police brutality, and politicos not wanting to go ahead with police reforms. we have a finance minister who says we simply cannot go ahead with corruption reforms. then there's the curious case of prime minister who says minorities have the first right to resources.

i find it ironical that we care less about our liberty for a free nation. the fundamental idea of freedom itself has been compromised at various levels to serve the ruling party, and yet we see rights group spring into action like its apocalypse tomorrow (nope today!!!) when it comes to pub attacks and valentines' day moral terror. yes, it deserves that the goondas be punished. but by over reaction by political parties like congress - it just hands the momentum back to bjp to make the issue a political one and not criminal one.

i can write it on stone and state that this too shall pass - the ladies who got hurt would nevr get justice because of over reaction and lack of tactfullness from media. just look at what happened to raj thackery he became a hero at the end of it, because congress chose to look the other way. the same thing will happen to muthalik and bjp will chose to look the other way.


Holler!!! said...

@Vinod - Are you trying to tell me that the BJP is better than the Congress? As far as I know, both the Congress and the BJP have condemned 'the attack on women'. A few leaders within both parties have expressed themselves against the so called 'pub culture'. Both parties have their own 'political objectives'.

Renuka and PC have been outspoken the attack on women. At least some politicians have the guts to stand up against these goons. If you ask me, majority of India are 'silent supporters' to this kind of goondaism. So kudos! To Renuka and PC and all the leaders, from all parties, who are “genuinely” against radical behaviour.

What happens in America - is not relevant to this issue.

You say that the media did not focus on the crux of this issue. From what I understand, you are talking about BJP, Congress, Media and Moral Policing. While for me, Moral Policing is my main concern, you seem to be more interested in Congress, BJP and Media. What is the ‘Crux’ of the issue in your opinion?

FYI, this has been happening all along in Mangalore. Not on this scale though. There have been stray incidents of couples being threatened and hounded by moral police. I had faced a similar situation about 8 years ago – and FYI – I was not doing anything immoral at the time!!!

You need to think from a victim’s perspective to really understand the need of the hour. Victims need the media to intervene. Victims need the righteous to intervene. Victims need politicians to intervene. In my previous response to you, I had asked you to put yourself into the shoes of a victim. Obviously, you have not done this.

So I ask you again, what is the ‘Crux’ of the issue in your opinion? The victim, Fundamental Rights, the Media or Political Objectives of the Congress?

Anonymous said...

you are talking from the victims point of view. i'm talking about the overall point of view.

when you see it from the victims point of view you see people being wronged and you want to the entire matter to stop. I have never faced moral police so far, and neither have my friends, even though we've been to the beach plenty of times, even partied at the beach. ive heard a few times that there have been instances of couple being harassed, i've never faced that personally, nor have heard of it from my immediate friends. it could have happened , but its not everyday that you face that for sure, (which is what the media is trying to portray. )

ask any pubs how many times have the moral police come to their doorsteps before this ? ask how many times have the parties been intervened by moral police ? this atack has been highly political.

as regards defending bjp. the whole objective of this exercise, like i said was about congress making political moolah out of this, and media ganging up. not that bjp is any better - 5 years of nda rule dint see moral police going after people going to pubs, so bjp being pointed finger at is bunk. nevrtheless thats the image that's been created by times news.

PC and renuka have done well in coming out hammer and tongs at the culprits, but i dont see parallel of them being pro active during maharastra violence against the north indians. that makes their stance very politically motivated during election time. which is why im livid at their opportunism.

when you pointed out that such incidents can undermine the business potential - yes they do affect the city. they affect any city. but far more is the consequence of a character assassination of mangalore by the media - "mangalore horror" why cant the tagline be "pub horror in mangalore" ?. there is a definite direction given by the editor and promotoers to every issue. every issue is given "X" amount of percentage of time in the channel. if its a national calamity, a 26/11 scale attack then it might deserve that kind of exposure. surely not making a political career for muthalik. that chap got free publicity, and now he wants to control valentines' day too!

he was a nobody, and he could have been lockedup and beaten, dragged to the prison, instead we give him free promotion, we dont even have the culprits who went after the women booked under a reasonable charge, they are out on bail and will piggy back muthalik.

if i were the victim of this crime, i'd have hired a personal lawyer, gone hammer and tongs at muthalik and his men, now, we hardly have the victims coming forward. why are they afraid ?
if they want the privacy to be protected, go under cover and let the lawyers do the talking. hire the best lawyers to take on the goons. form a group of affected people and set the best lawyers on these goons. the last thing we want is victms to go underground. going to pubs isnt a big deal - being quiet at the wrong time is.

the crux of the issue for you is easy and straight forward, blame anyting thats in front of you. ive been pointing fingers at the supposed politicos who have come to help. renuka is hardly is a good role model for good governance, at best she's a rabble rouser who wants hr political fortunes to rise within the party. what are senior leaders like margaret alva during this time ? whats poojary doing other than shouting slogans ? instad of going pointedly towards resolving this issue we have this as a political game now - and the end result is that we will not get anything out of this.

pramod muthalik will be laughing his ass off.

Unknown said...

Vinod, I am toally confused by your line of argument. On one hand you have a go at the Moral police, then you rant and rave about the media giving Mangalore a bad image, then you rile against the Congress party. Listen mate, If you are that worried about the image of Mangalore, I suggest you take up cudgels against these goons, who, I reckon, suffer from a massive inferiority complex. Reign these scumbags in(if you can), stop the attacks against women or against people who are exercising their free right. Once these kind of attacks stop and the people of Mangalore can visit pubs or discos or party without fear, then guess what. Every one will forget about Mangalore. And for your information the Moral police belong to the same family as the BJP. So if you want to rile against a political party giving Managalore a bad name, hey Einstien, have a go at the BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrangdal, Ram Sena(or what ever they are called).

Anonymous said...

i expected this. its a brilliant defense.

first up:
- media forms opinions or has the immense power to define certain imagery - when you show a clip over a hundred times over a span of 4 days - that borders on creating hypnosis. i have friends who say people visualize mangalore like some kinda hippie right wing woodstock, where people are nailed and mobbed everyday. TELL ME HOW MANY PUB ATTACKS HAVE OCCURED APART FROM THIS ONE.

nextup: dude, the media is squarely blaming bjp for this mess. rama sene is an offshoot of a former bajrang dal member who got kicked out (no one wanted to keep him at bajrang dal) - and he did this for free publicity - the media still gives him free publicity.

blaming bjp for all things done under a saffron banner is stupidity. its like blaming all muslims for all things terror. anyone can easily misuse a banner. "hindu taliban" "mangalore horror" were some choice media slogans by the slimy overzealous journos.

"Once these kind of attacks stop and the people of Mangalore can visit pubs or discos or party without fear, then guess what. Every one will forget about Mangalore."
you know, how many such attacks happened in mangalore ? could you please enlighten the world ? thank you.

all things saffron are NOT bjp. i'm doing my bit by saying dont burn a field, because you want to eliminate a termite mound at the corner of the field.

being progressive does NOT mean supporting one side blindly, or not being a right winger. there can be more sides to a story.

Unknown said...

Here we go again Vinod. Apologists like you were responsible for 6 million jews being killed, 800000 Rawandans being butchered and thousands of Indians being killed by religious fundamentalists. It should never be allowed to happen again. And if it means making a big hue and cry over even a small incident, so be it.
Listen, I am a Mumbaikar and I have seen the havoc created by Bal Thackeray and his goons. All because of the silent majority. So pal, if it happens in your neck of the woods, its going to be exposed and everything done to stop it from happening again.
The RSS/BJP quietly encourages anyone with a tinge of saffron, to carry out the RSS agenda while standing back and washing its hand off the whole episode. Examples are too many to note in this post.
I know how you must feel. Your beloved Mangalore being dragged thru the mud. Tell you what. Starting today, promise your self, that no matter what, you will uphold the freedom of every individual in Mangalore to go to a pub, party or do whatever it is they wish(all within the law) . Stop the Moral police or all the right wing nutjobs in your part of the woods from destroying churches, attacking women for going to pubs or taking part in violence just because they dont agree with whats happening. And I can assure you Vinod, the whole world will have a very positive image of Managlore.

Anonymous said...

what a load of bullcrap. so your answer to freedom of opinion comes with unlimited ammo towards anything that you dont like ? you dont want to be accountable but the others should be ?

i've seen how mumbaikars have sat quiet year after year when the streets are flooded and yet there's the same politicians are voted. north indians are beaten up and yet people allow bals thackery and co.

oversimplification of anything saffron to pointing in the direction rss/ bjp is exactly what congress needs. everytime there's been a riot in mangalore its squarely blamed at rss/ bjp, and congress has been successfully engineering it. there's mischief from both sides, but only rss gets the blame. when there were riots in mangalore a congress mla was responsible, everyone in mangalore knows it - heck, the entire town was peaceful - but for the goons clashing in some pockets, yet, media chose to paint it as rss trouble. media refused to go to many affected families because they werent minority community. so you want to say that these are not affected ?

how could you liken me to nazi just because i chose to nail the media for their over zealousness ?
preposterous conclusions. its this stupidity that drives moderates to the hardliners.

congress ceased to be in power - after ruling mangalore for 50 years. why ? because they did not support the hindu moderates. they are doing the exact same mistake with the muslims - they have not allowed a single moderate muslim to prosper in india.

i find it amusing that you are preaching others. you cannot judge others until you can respect or appreciate their point of view. i have been a peace loving citizen, and hang around with friends from all communities.

its rather strange that a cosmopolitan image of a city can be held hostage by a single act of stupidity. while the famed spirit of mumbai is talked about even if raj thackery and others repeatedly grind it to dust.

im talking about that spirit thats in mangaloreans - thats being tarred and slurred by media - as if incidents like the pub attack are an everyday affair. let me muscle it in for you - mangalore is not a "hindu taliban wasteland" as portrayed by your beloved media - the tabloids who call themselves self righteous.

Anonymous said...

also @ delta1,

you dint answer these points:

- tell me how many pubs were attacked in mangalor other than in this incident ? (and let me get i clear, im not supporting these hooligans, like you'd like to somehow fancy and desperately want me to support them -I DONT support them, nor do i represent them)

- congress and bjp members are both present in this group - rama sene - yeah surpise! (i know you want to deny that, you shoul stop believing one source of news, you should get a holistic picture than believing pimps of one party)

- how many such attacks happened in mangalore ? could you please enlighten the world ? thank you.

please get past this, before you go back to the pail of tar.

Unknown said...

Well, well well. Here we go again. Unless someone is killed or there have been countless incidents, people should keep quiet. Well guess what. The RSS and its family arent getting anymore free rides. One incident and there will be law abiding citizens making sure that it is brought to light. Hopefully one day you will be enlightened enuff to realize that even one attack on the civil liberties of an Indian is an attack on every freedom that our forefathers fought for. And if you think that the RSS and their goons arent Taliban, think again. Obviously you dont read the newspapers, otherwise you would have read of all the atrocities committed by these people not just in your beloved Mangalore, but in Orissa, Gujarat, Kerala, MP, UP. Anyplace where the BJP is in power, these guys are there spreading their message of hate. Turning community against community untill its a boiling couldron of hate, where the only answer is to kill, kill, kill. You must be so proud to belong to that family. I have nothing more to say to someone like you. But rest assured, Vinod, I will no longer keep quiet and let guys like you and the hate brigade you represent, enforce their backward minded values on Indian society. Its time to take a stand and I damn well will.

Unknown said...

Ohh!! and let me add one more thing Vinod. While you walk around filled with hate, I along with a whole bunch of my fellow country men will be doing every thing we can to uphold the secular foundation of our country. Where everyone has the freedom to worship which ever god they want, eat/drink what they wish, where they wish. But most of all try and bring us all together as one, to work for the betterment of our beloved country. The problems we have are too immense to be spent on trivial things like women drinking in a pub or getting worked up about the other persons religion. Its a shame that a lot of time and effort is spent standing up to hate filled people like you and the political family you represent, when that time and energy can be spent trying to educate millions, alleviate poverty, build much needed infrastructure. I know these are all lofty ideals, but they are a darn sight better than the hate filled world you represent.

Anonymous said...

@ delta1,
i thought that people can't be more stupid than this, surely. thankfully i have more people who think alike. there were reports today in indian express. RCV convenor, franklin montiero warned renuka chowdury for her "talibanisation" of mangalore statement. montiero went on to state that her statement was aimed at creating disharmony amongst communities in mangalore.

same with SAC - social action council students unit representative - Alwyn mendonca also criticized renuka chowdhury's statement - as an uwarranted one, and that it wasnt fair to compare this incident to "taliban".

i'm happy to stand vindicated. quite different from the cowboy justice to be given to cheap thieves and hoodlums. i stand by my comments that excessive force used in this mangalore pub attack will only give more ammo to the culprits. treat every case with its merits. using too much energy in one place will result in less energy in another place.

cheao politics is not associated only with saffron tinge, its played by different parties, even with secular tags. we have "hardcore hindutva", as have "soft hindutva" etc etc.

if people dont watch our backs we will end up lunatic statements like yours who say that anyone who's not on your side is a nazi. what a pathetic state of mind. underling maybe more appropriate.